What is the brand of seaweed mud wall paint seaweed mud wall paint

The problem we are most afraid of when decorating is that the decoration material contains formaldehyde. The house that we just finished decorating can't go in. It is because of this, but it is much better now, because there are many environmentally friendly materials, such as seaweed. Mud wall finishes, this new type of material is now particularly popular, and today's home of the decoration home network will introduce you to this seaweed mud wall finish .


First, what is seaweed mud wall paint

Seaweed mud wall paint is a seaweed mud leaf green factor extracted from the sea bottom, a propionic acid polymer emulsion, an environmentally friendly filler additive, and is developed by combining domestic and international first-class low-carbon environmental protection process formula. It is a medium-to-high-end green healthy indoor latex paint that responds to the global low-carbon environmental protection trend.

Second, what brand of seaweed mud wall paint is good

1. Natural diatom mud

Natural diatom mud is a diatom mud brand wall material produced by Beijing Dongxuyang Low Carbon Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. It is a new type of functional wall decoration material made of sediments of aquatic planktonic biological diatoms that existed millions of years ago. It has a special lattice structure with a specific surface area of ​​up to 65m2/g. The rate is above 90%. The low density has a strong adsorption capacity and can absorb 2.5 times of water.

2, Lanshe diatom mud

New Materials Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Jilin Province. The company utilizes Changbai Mountain diatomite resources, relying on the new achievements of Changchun universities and research institutes in diatomite research. With the strong support of all levels of government and the joint efforts of all employees, the Lanshe diatom mud series products have gradually been Industry recognition.


Third, seaweed mud wall paint construction guide

1, stirring

Add 90% of the construction water to the mixing vessel, then pour it into the dry powder of seaweed mud for a few minutes, then stir it with an electric mixer for about 10 minutes, stir it with another 10% of water to adjust the viscosity of the construction, mud paint, Stir well before use.

2, smear

Two times: about 50 minutes after the first time (thickness about 1.5 mm) is completed (depending on the weather conditions of the site, the surface is not sticky, and the bottom is covered with material), the second time (thickness is about 1.5) Mm). The total thickness is between 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm.

3, texture pattern production

According to the actual environment drying conditions, master the drying time and make the texture pattern according to the engineering method.

4, receiving light

After the texture pattern is made, the light is collected by the light-receiving trowel along the pattern line.

I believe that this kind of environmentally friendly materials will only get more and more fire, because our environmental awareness is getting stronger and stronger, and the state is also maintaining a strong support for this material. We are now using this material, which can be called a The pioneers will become witnesses to the seaweed mud wall finish. For more exciting home improvement information, please continue to pay attention to the decoration home network.

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