A new type of diamond counterfeit goods appeared in our city. Yesterday, the Municipal Quality Inspection Center issued a reminder of consumption. In the past three months, the gemstone inspection station of the hospital has detected five synthetic silicon carbide imitation diamond rings in daily inspection. This synthetic silicon carbide and diamonds are highly similar, and it is recommended that the public or jewellery merchants go to professional institutions for testing. “The market price of synthetic silicon carbide is about 1 carat and 10,000 yuan, which is about one-third of authentic diamonds.†The inspector of the Quality Inspection Institute’s gemstone inspection station said that synthetic silicon carbide is the latest imitation diamond material. The gemmological properties are very similar to natural diamonds.
In terms of identification, the inspector of the Quality Inspection Institute's gemstone inspection station said that the current jewelry processing shop basically uses traditional thermal conductivity to distinguish whether it is a diamond, and this synthetic silicon carbide reacts with diamonds under the traditional thermal conductivity meter. The same is true, a new type of thermal conductivity meter should be used instead.
The inspector of the Quality Inspection Institute's gemstone inspection station said that for the public, if you know some basic identification skills, you can use a 10x magnifying glass to distinguish them. This kind of magnifying glass can be bought in the market. The main points are as follows:
1. Generally, acicular inclusions are arranged inside the synthetic silicon carbide, and a few synthetic silicon carbides may not be obvious.
2, synthetic silicon carbide can be seen in the pavilion facet double shadow phenomenon, diamonds are not.
In terms of identification, the inspector of the Quality Inspection Institute's gemstone inspection station said that the current jewelry processing shop basically uses traditional thermal conductivity to distinguish whether it is a diamond, and this synthetic silicon carbide reacts with diamonds under the traditional thermal conductivity meter. The same is true, a new type of thermal conductivity meter should be used instead.
The inspector of the Quality Inspection Institute's gemstone inspection station said that for the public, if you know some basic identification skills, you can use a 10x magnifying glass to distinguish them. This kind of magnifying glass can be bought in the market. The main points are as follows:
1. Generally, acicular inclusions are arranged inside the synthetic silicon carbide, and a few synthetic silicon carbides may not be obvious.
2, synthetic silicon carbide can be seen in the pavilion facet double shadow phenomenon, diamonds are not.
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