Decrypt flooring installation new way

Decrypt flooring installation new way

Decrypt flooring installation new way

"Seven-point installation of three-point product" is the important relationship between the final quality of the floor and the installation. Flooring complaints are also mostly related to installation. Nowadays, there are many new types of flooring installations on the market—except for aldehyde installation and dustless installation. What do they mean? Does it have any special effect? Look at the experts and decrypt them together.

In addition to aldehyde installation

The effect of speaking by data

Business language: The basic principle is the use of activated carbon adsorption of formaldehyde, the floor is installed, the carbon powder evenly laid on the floor mat, so that the carbon powder can be directly contact with the floor, fundamentally absorb free formaldehyde release from the floor, reduce the air Free formaldehyde, in turn, can adsorb the formaldehyde produced in other parts of the home decoration.

Expert Comments: Activated carbon is indeed the role of adsorption of formaldehyde, activated carbon adsorption of formaldehyde and activated carbon content is related to the specific effect of adsorption of formaldehyde, must use experimental data to speak. Moreover, the absorption of formaldehyde by activated carbon is not unlimited, and it is impossible to completely absorb the formaldehyde in the floor. For example, formaldehyde that goes upwards cannot be absorbed.

Floor installation decoration construction knowledge wooden floor formaldehyde paint decoration interior decoration home decoration floor tile

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