1. Water-based wood lacquer with acrylic acid as the main ingredient
The main features are good adhesion, will not deepen the color of the wood, but the wear and chemical resistance is poor, the film hardness is soft, the pencil rule is HB, fullness is poor, the overall performance is general, the construction is easy to produce defects. Due to its low cost and low technical content, it is the main product that most water-based paint companies have brought to the market. This is also the reason why most people think that water-based paint is not good. Its advantage is that it is cheap.
2. Waterborne wood lacquer based on the composition of acrylic and polyurethane
In addition to adhering to the characteristics of acrylic paints, it also features increased abrasion resistance and chemical resistance, and some companies are marked with water-based polyester paint. The hardness of the paint film is better, pencil test is 1H, fullness is good, and the overall performance is close to the oil paint. At present, only a few companies in China can produce.
3 polyurethane water paint
Its comprehensive performance is superior, fullness is high, the hardness of the paint film can reach 1.5-2H, the wear resistance even exceeds the oil paint, has obvious advantages in the service life and the color deployment, and is the advanced product in the water-based paint.
4. Pseudo-water paint
The use of curing agents or chemicals, such as "hardeners," "paint enhancers," "dedicated dilution water," and the like, some of which can also be diluted with water, but the solvent content is high and harmful to the human body. Some even exceed the toxicity of oil paints, and some companies mark water-based polyester paints. Consumers can easily tell.
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Mall price: 398 yuan/barrel
Market price: 428 yuan / barrel
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