Biological bacterial fertilizer science use method

In recent years, farmers have not paid attention to the importance of land fallow in agricultural production. The continuous planting has led to a sharp decline in soil quality, causing continuous cropping obstacles such as diseases. With the rise of biological bacterial fertilizer, people's concept of fertilization has changed, but in actual application, it has not been able to maximize the effectiveness of biological fertilizer. The scientific use of biological bacterial fertilizer is described as follows:

First, the application temperature: the optimum temperature for the rational application of bacterial fertilizer is 22 ° C -35 ° C, below 5 ° C, higher than 40 ° C, the application effect is poor. It is not suitable for the application of crop fields under high temperature, low temperature and drought conditions.

Second, the application of land: to be suitable for high sulfur soil and rust paddy field, it is not appropriate to apply biological fertilizer, because sulfur can kill biological bacteria. For paddy paddy fields, it is generally not necessary to apply, and the method of spraying will be better. For bio-organic fertilizer, it is carried out by means of acupoint application or ditch application, and it is not recommended to apply it. Compound microbial fertilizers are usually carried out by means of foliar spraying and flushing.

Third, the application period: to pay attention to biological bacterial fertilizer is not a quick-acting fertilizer, generally do the base fertilizer, if the application, in the nutrient critical period of the crop and the nutrient large absorption period a week before application, the effect is good. On the economic crops such as vegetables, the microbial agents should be applied in a concentrated manner by rooting and rooting, and the application amount of the microbial agents should not be too large.

4. Mixed application: Be careful not to mix the bacterial fertilizer with fungicides, insecticides, herbicides and sulfur-containing fertilizers (such as potassium sulfate) and grass ash, because these drugs and fertilizers can easily kill the bacteria. Or first apply the fertilizer, after 48 hours, then fight the herbicide. If seed dressing, avoid mixing with seeds that have been mixed with fungicide. It should also be prevented from being mixed with unfertilized farmyard manure.
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